The objective to provide continuous long-term vertical profiles of cloud fraction and water and ice cloud properties requires the synergistic use of several remote sensing instruments. The mission of the Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES) is to offer operational support to ACTRIS National Facilities operating Cloud remote sensing instrumentation.  To benefit from the CCRES support as a National Facility, a station must qualify as an ACTRIS-compatible cloud-profiling station. Hence, the instrument setup must respect the CCRES specific requirements. Additionally, the CCRES offers specialized services to ACTRIS users of various types: academia, business, industry and public services.


Click on the 5 CCRES instruments to know more about the methods and procedures available:


The ACTRIS Cloudnet data portal provides data processing and curation service of ground-based cloud remote sensing measurements. This includes centralized processing, quality control, provenance, data harmonization and archiving.

The data portal is developed by the Cloud remote sensing data centre unit (CLU) as part of the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure and operated at the Finish Meteorological Institute.



The CCRES consortium is involving 20 scientists from 5 countries with more than 15 years  of experience  in  sensor  development,   cloud  monitoring  using  remote  sensing  techniques,   long-term  instrument  operation at atmospheric observatories, calibration of instruments and quality control, development of  retrieval algorithms, and scientific studies of cloud processes, meteorology, and climate sensitivity  to clouds. 

The  partners  have  a  20-year  record  of 45 peer-reviewed  papers on  ground-based  cloud  radar  remote  sensing,  58  on  ground-based  microwave  remote  sensing,  16  on  ground-based  Doppler  Wind Lidars. Many of these papers also utilize instrument synergy to greatly increase the information content  extracted. 



sirta station


Unit Head: Martial Haeffelin 

Expertise: Doppler Cloud Radar, Disdrometer, Ceilometer



 Unit Head: Herman Russchenberg 

Expertise: Doppler Cloud RadarCeilometer



 Unit Head: Bernhard Pospichal 

Expertise: Microwave radiometer



 Unit Head: Chris Walden

Expertise: Doppler Cloud RadarCeilometer



 Unit Head: Ewan O'Connor

Expertise: Doppler lidar

The CCRES consortium is led by the management board, composed of five heads of units. The management board is the decision making body of the CCRES, meeting each month to plan the activities, budgeting, and managing the Central Facility. The CNRS Unit head is the CCRES leader, coordinating the work and interacting with the ACTRIS governance bodies. Each Head of unit manage the specific activities and staff of its unit and reports to the board.

The units have complementary areas of long-standing expertise:

  • CNRS, TUD and NCAS have expertise in Doppler  cloud  radar, ceilometer and disdrometer.
  • UCOL unit has expertise concerning microwave radiometer
  • FMI  Unit has expertise concerning Doppler Wind Lidar.


CCRES Organizational chart



Contact us at ccres_contact@listes.ipsl.fr