Privacy Policy
This website collects some Personal Data from its Users

Some of the data gathered from the platform is obtained via the use of third-party services. The data collected and how this is used is listed below:

User contact details

User contact form
Personal Data acquired: name, surname, email, city, and various typologies of data.


Google Analytics
Personal Data gathered: Anonymous IP address. Cookies and usage data.

Tag management

Google Tag Manager
Personal Data acquired: Cookies and data on usage.

Contact management and communications

Newsletter and webforms
Personal Data gathered: email, name and surname and other various typologies of data .

Feed Management

Personal data gathered: Cookies and data on usage.

Interaction with social networks

Like button and Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram social widgets, social media buttons and AddThis social media widgets
Personal Data gathered: Cookies and usage data.

Data acquisition and third-party platforms

Mailchimp Widget
Personal Data gathered: email, name, surname


The Data Controller

Erik Palmenin Aukio 1, 00560,
Helsinki, Finland.

View the complete Privacy Note

Effective Date: 15.02.2024