National Facilities
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres.
ACTRIS promotes the provision of access to a large variety of high-quality services to a wide range of users and needs, for scientific, technological and innovation-oriented usage.
ACTRIS core components are the National facilities, constituting in observatory and exploratory platoforms, and the Central Facilities, fundamental for the provision of harmonized high-quality data.
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CiGAS-CH provides remote access for the support of users of the @VOC@ tool, used for VOC data quality assessment.
Training on how to perform experiments in humid turbulent flows by experienced scientists as well as hands-on training on high-end and state-of-the-art instrumentation for characterizing turbulent flows, as well as thermodynamic and aerosol particle and droplet microphysical properties.
Internship for students to become familiar with observatory operations and conduct their own small studies. Duration at least 2 weeks at the observatory.
Training through hands-on operation of instruments and data analysis. The service applies to aerosol remote sensing, cloud remote sensing and aerosol in-situ measurement techniques and variables as defined in ACTRIS.
The service includes:
· Hands-on training for operation and calibration of instruments
· Training for setting up data processing environments
· Training for using advanced processing algorithms (NATALI, GRASP)
LOCATION: Italy, S. Pietro Capofiume (Bologna)