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Analysis of atmospheric process by in-situ "near-surface" observations at a rural site
15 March 2023
LOCATION: Italy, S. Pietro Capofiume (Bologna)
Provision of a rural platform for investigation of atmospheric processes related to reactive and greenhouse gases, aerosol and clouds.
The facility is equipped with in-situ near-surface monitoring of SO2, particulate matter sampling for atmospheric chemical speciation, speciation of non-refractory chemical species (by Aerosol Mass Specrometer, AMS) and measurements of number concentration (by twin - DMPS in collaboration with the University of Kuopio and one OPS). A MAX-DOAS system (SkySpec-2D-210) is available at the station (NO2, SO2, HCHO, HONO, Glyoxal, BrO, IO, Ozone). Further observations will be implemented during 2022: physico-chemical-optical properties of both columnar aerosol population (sun photometry and lidar), near-surface aerosol scattering and absorption measurements, near-surface anthropogenic VOCs, SF6 and F-gases, radiative balance and albedo description (solar tracker equipped with radiometers for solar and thermal down-welling radiation). ARPAE Emilia-Romagna runs near-surface measurements of nitrogen oxides, ozone as well as meteo-radar measurements, radio soundings (at 00:00 and 12:00 UTC) and operates a phenological station.
The facility is hosted in an air-conditioned shelter (15 m2) equipped with fast internet connection which allows for real-time data delivery and remote control of instrumentations. 5kW. Two sampling systems (ACTRIS-compliant) designed for trace gases and aerosol particles (respectively) are available at the station. Both the sampling systems are characterized by monitoring of T and RH with active control of air fluxes. Multiple inlets to the sampling systems are available for the external users (diameters: ¼” for trace gases and ¼”, ½ and ¾” for aerosol). Three quartz windows (one on the roof, two on the walls) are available for vertical and horizontal remote sensing observations. Support structures to research activities are available at the field station: a chemistry laboratory, wi-fi covering the entire area, distribution of electric current through specific towers in different locations of the field, a 10-m two-storey tower.
This service includes:
- Administrative support for helping the users with shipping of materials (before and after the campaign)
- Administrative support for the fulfilment of the internal procedures related with the provision access.
- Storing of the equipment at the CNR-ISAC HQs before and after the access.
- Technical support at the infrastructure by senior technicians (including the support during installation of equipment and execution of measurements).
- Interaction with senior atmospheric scientists for data interpretation and optimal definition of experiment strategy.
- Activation of data delivery service and access to data routinely recorded by CNR-ISAC.
- Access to storage and computation resources available at CNR-ISAC HQs for the duration of the TNA+12 months.
- Administrative support will be provided to ask access to the data by ARPAE Emilia – Romagna.
- Access to the air quality and weather forecasts routinely produced by CNR-ISAC.
- Access to laboratory and workshops at CNR-ISAC HQs for maintenance of instrumentation.
- Transport to the infrastructure from Bologna (not dangerous goods) for equipment with total volume less than 2 m3 (max: 350 kg). The transport of dangerous good or larger/heavier materials which need special vehicles is NOT included in the offered services.
- Daily transportation of max 3 users to the facility (not-UE users equipped with their own car/van must have an International Driving Permit valid in EU).
TIME CONSTRAINTS: As a function of the available slots for guest instruments. Access to the S. Pietro Capofiume site is typically not allowed during the weekend and over 20:00 – 7:00 local time. External users are allowed to access site only under CNR-ISAC personnel supervision. Accessibility rules can change as a function of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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