07 Nov
07 Nov


On November 7, CCRES will hold its annual on-site workshop for the Cloud Remote Sensing community in Matera, Italy, during the ACTRIS Week. 

More information about the ACTRIS week can be found here.

The workshop will take place at the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera, Via San Rocco 1, 75100, Matera.


Registrations are now closed but remote participation is still possible. Please contact Elisa ( if you are not registered and would like to participate.


Topics covered during the workshop will be the following (to be updated) :

  • New scientific results and technical developments at ACTRIS CRS sites
  • Feedback from CRS sites concerning CCRES / CLU services
  • Updates on CCRES services
  • Updates on CLU services
  • Updates on CRS NF labelling process
  • Activities of ACTRIS Working groups
  • EarthCARE Cal/Val (joint session with CARS)

Please find here the agenda of the workshop, which will likely be updated before the event.

In case of any question, please contact