Mobile lidar during the PRETECT campaign, Crete
07 Nov
07 Nov

ACTRIS Center for Aerosol Remote Sensing (CARS) and the Aerosol Remote Sensing unit of the ACTRIS Data Centre (ARES) organize a joint workshop on 7th November 2024, as part of the ACTRIS Week. The workshop is organized in hybrid format, however, we encourage the community to join us physically in Matera, Italy.

The focus of the workshop is on the global perspective of our work, operations, quality assurance and data products. A joint session with the cloud remote sensing community is planned at the end of the day, focusing on the EarthCARE Cal/Val pilot, as well as on the future development of synergy products based on aerosol and cloud remote sensing instrumentation. ACTRIS aerosol and clouds remote sensing teams and their collaborators are welcome to join. Please register via the ACTRIS Week registration platform by selecting the appropriate form of participation under "CARS-ARES (aerosol remote sensing) workshop, Thu Nov 7".

Registration is open by 4th October 2024.

T E N T A T I V E   A G E N D A

Start time (CET)

End time (CET)




The global perspective

  • Discussions



Operations and quality assurance (coffee break included)

  • Quality assurance of sun/sky/moon photometers
  • Quality assurance of automatic low power lidars and ceilometers
  • Quality assurance of high power lidars
  • Discussions



Data products

  • ACTRIS aerosol remote sensing database
  • Single Calculus Chain updates
  • Future developments



Aerosol and clouds remote sensing

  • EarthCARE Cal/Val pilot
  • Evolution of ACTRIS aerosol and clouds remote sensing
  • Discussions