ACTRIS DC workshop lille 2024
20 Jun 2024

The annual ACTRIS Data Centre (DC) workshop took place from June 18-20, 2024, in the lovely city of Lille, France. The main goal was to finalize the development of the ACTRIS DC portal before its big launch on September 4, 2024, and to plan the next steps for adding more data and higher-level products to the portal. We also focused on advertising, training, and user support after the launch of the portal.

Held at the IMT Nord Lille Campus in northern France, the workshop saw 21 in-person participants from various data centre units. The group engaged in valuable discussions crucial for the progress of the ACTRIS DC portal. Each unit presented its plans and progress for the integrated products that will be available through the portal.

Despite the packed schedule and rainy weather, we managed to visit the AERIS/ICARE data centre. Nicolas Pascal gave us a warm welcome and an impressive overview of their activities and the vast amount of data stored there. On June 19, AERIS/ICARE also hosted a delightful dinner for all participants, where we enjoyed some fantastic traditional French cuisine.

As we wrap up this workshop, the entire ACTRIS community and its users can look forward to regular updates on the portal launch and the exciting activities ahead. Stay tuned for more exciting news!