National Facilities

The University of Cologne is organizing a workshop on ground-based microwave radiometer operation at Jülich (Germany) from 31 August to 2 September 2022. This workshop is organized in the frame of the ACTRIS Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing (CCRES), with the support of the PROBE COST Action.
We are inviting scientists and operators of microwave radiometers in networks, such as the ACTRIS Cloud Remote Sensing network (Cloudnet), E-Profile, and others. The workshop is also open to interested people beyond these networks, especially via the PROBE COST action.
The workshop will cover all aspects of microwave radiometer operation, calibration, quality control, and data processing. A special focus is given to network operation.
For more information, also concerning application and options for travel funds, please visit the announcement on the PROBE website (!
The number of participants is limited. The application deadline is 26 June 2022.
Please contact us for any further information<
More information can be found here: (