National Facilities

The 13th Interim ACTRIS Council meeting (IAC13) will be held virtually on 9-11.11.2020.
The three-day virtual IAC13 meeting consist of seven sessions (1.5-2 h):
Mon 9 November
12:00-13:00 Joining the meeting
13:00–14:30 Session I
15:00–17:00 Session II (2h)
Tue 10 November 2020
09:00–9:30 Joining the meeting
09:30–11:00 Session III
11:30–13:00 Session IV
14:30–16:30 Session V (2h)
Wed 11 November 2020
09:00–9:30 Joining the meeting
09:30–11:00 Session VI
11:30–13:30 Session VII (2h)
Instructions to get access to the IAC13 material has been circulated to IAC via email.
Detailed meeting practicalities and instructions to join the Cisco Webex meeting will be shared on Friday 6th November.
Contact Person: Päivi Haapanala (, Interim ACTRIS Head Office