Keywords: Quality control (QC), new technology, prototypes, air quality
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres.
ACTRIS promotes the provision of access to a large variety of high-quality services to a wide range of users and needs, for scientific, technological and innovation-oriented usage.
ACTRIS core components are the National facilities, constituting in observatory and exploratory platoforms, and the Central Facilities, fundamental for the provision of harmonized high-quality data.
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Keywords: Quality control (QC), new technology, prototypes, air quality
The unit Prague Aerosol Calibration Centre (PACC) led a ollaboration with more than 50 producers of respirators and face masks to test their products during the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased demand for highly efficient personal protective equipment and the urgent need to draft regulations for producing appropriate filters in a very short time frame required dedicated facilities to test products and have extensive high-quality measurements of the filter effect of different materials.
The PACC was very well suited for this, although the research focus was on hygroscopic behavior and growth of cloud condensation nuclei activity of aerosols.
For about one year, several tests were performed